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First Step


Your Specialist

Your Way

“Listen to your patient, they are telling you the diagnosis.”
~ William Osler (Father of Modern Medicine) ~

Your consultation with your Specialist is your opportunity to tell your story.  By explaining  your symptoms, establishing when they started and describing how your symptom's are currently affecting you, your Specialist will listen to each aspect and then can take the individual pieces of your unique problem. fit them together to reveal a complete picture of what had caused your problem.

Once you have had sufficient time to tell your story, your Specialist will ask you some questions to gain a greater understanding of how your issue is impacting your life.

For the majority of patients, it often quickly becomes clear what the likely diagnosis is.  Your Specialist can then recommend any investigations. You will also be provided with a clear management plan to get you on the right path to recovery.

Investigations for enhanced diagnosis

Each foot and ankle are made up of 26 bones, 30 joints and over 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments, so pin pointing exactly which structure or combination is causing your problem is an art in itself.

Your clinician may recommend some investigations for further clarity around which are the problem structures. Your results can also provide a clearer insight into how long it is likely for you to recover.




Blood Tests


First Step | Right Path | For the Journey

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This content is intended for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to replace the advice of a medical practitioner. All specific individual patient information should be discussed with their doctor or other healthcare professionals. The content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-medicate any condition and should not substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions or concerns about your health, please contact your doctor or other healthcare professional.

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